Qwik Tutorial Overview

Welcome to Qwik!

Qwik is a front-end framework for building resumable applications that start-up instantly on the client. Qwik achieves this by focusing on its philosophy of downloading and executing only the code that is strictly necessary to perform the user-triggered action. Qwik is a fine-grained lazy-loading framework representing a fundamentally new approach to building web applications.

Qwik Tutorials

What follows is a set of tutorials that will help you get started with Qwik. Each tutorial focuses on a single topic and contains a hands-on example that requires your participation to make it work.

The tutorials are broken up into these sections:

  • Qwik Introduction: A fast-paced introduction to Qwik where we focus more on building a simple application with server-side pre-rendering and client-side interactivity. This tutorial is designed to give you a feel over how Qwik applications are built rather than focusing on details of individual APIs.
  • Components: All about declaring, binding, and composition of components.
  • Events: Declaring, binding, and triggering events.
  • Stores: Declaring stores, data-binding, reactivity, and serialization.
  • Props: A deep dive into declaring and working with props and components and serialization constraints.
  • Reactivity: A deep dive into how reactivity works and how it can be used to build a more complex application.
  • Context: Making data globaly available to your application through context.
  • Hooks: Component life-cycle hooks.
  • Projection: A deep dive into how projection works and how to use it in more complex scenarios.
  • Styling: Styling your application with CSS.
  • Optimizer: Understanding the Optimizer constraints.
  • Composing new APIs: Composing new use___() and $ APIs for your application.

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