useWatch$() - Explicit Reactivity

In addition to implicit reactivity created by the templates, Qwik supports explicit execution of code when a property changes. This is achieved through the useWatch$() hook. useWatch$() hooks execute before the component renders and can be asynchronous. The hook can also have a clean-up function that is invoked on the next hook execution or when the component is removed.

In this example clicking on +1 updates count immediately. What we would like is to update the delay count after a 2-second delay. If count is updated before the 2 seconds are up then the timer is restarted.

Notice that useWatch$() callback receives track function. Use the track function to tell Qwik which properties should trigger this watch. The track function creates subscriptions in store. On each invocation of useWatch$() the subscriptions are cleared, so it is important to always set up a new set of subscriptions. This is useful if the set of subscriptions changes during the function lifetime.

The useWatch$() callback function can return a cleanup function. The clean-up function is invoked on the next useWatch$() callback execution or when the component is removed. In our case, the cleanup function is used for returning code which clears the setTimeout.

The useWatch$() callbacks execute before the component is rendered. This allows them to be used to compute values used in rendering. The function runs on both server and client. The server execution sets up subscriptions that are then serialized and available to the client. This saves the client from having to download all of the components and execute them at least once to recover the subscription information for the system.

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