

你的站点和应用只需要1KB大小的JS即可启动(无论应用多复杂)。 即使以后应用复杂度不断提高,网站启动的性能是始终不变的。

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和其他框架不一样, Qwik 是可恢复的,也就是应用不需要hydration。这使得Qwik应用有瞬间可交互的能力, 不管代码量和应用复杂度如何


Qwik拥有史无前例的性能, 即使在移动设备上也能提供亚秒级的页面加载。 Qwik通过发送纯HTML 和 按需逐渐加载JS的方式实现这一点

开始使用 Qwik



这里有一些例子 web.dev:

Every 100ms faster → 1% more conversions
For Mobify, every 100ms decrease in homepage load speed worked out to a 1.11% increase in session-based conversion, yielding an average annual revenue increase of nearly $380,000.
50% faster → 12% more sales
When AutoAnything reduced page load time by half, they saw a boost of 12% to 13% in sales.
20% faster → 10% more conversions
Retailer Furniture Village audited their site speed and developed a plan to address the problems they found, leading to a 20% reduction in page load time and a 10% increase in conversion rate.
40% faster → 15% more sign-ups
Pinterest reduced perceived wait times by 40% and this increased search engine traffic and sign-ups by 15%.
850ms faster → 7% more conversions
COOK reduced average page load time by 850 milliseconds which increased conversions by 7%, decreased bounce rates by 7%, and increased pages per session by 10%.
1 seconds slowness → 10% less users
The BBC found they lost an additional 10% of users for every additional second their site took to load.
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