

  • resumed: Each container can be resumed independently from all other components on the page. Independent resumability further reduces the amount of state which resume deserializes.
  • updated: Each container can be updated/replaced at any point using innerHTML. This allows a portion of the page to update without forcing a full re-fetch of a complete HTML document without downloading or executing JavaScript.
  • compiled: Each container can be compiled and deployed separately from other containers. Separate compilation is especially useful for large-scale applications and large-scale teams working on the applications.
  • versioned: Each container can run a different version of the Qwik framework. Allowing for the composability of the website from many small containers.


Containers vs. Components


  • 容器只能将只读属性传递给它们。此限制是因为容器输入可能需要针对 SSR 请求进行序列化。
  • 容器不理解 projection.
  • 容器不能修改已传递给它们的状态。

Components have restrictions:

  • Components must be compiled together and, as a result, share the same bundle artifacts and same Qwik version.
  • On pause, all of the components in the container are serialized together (and then they are resumed together).

What do containers solve?

Containers allow multiple independent Qwik applications to run on the page and behave as a single application to the user. There are two most common use cases:

  1. Routing
  2. Micro-frontend architecture



  1. The navigation that tends to stay constant across many pages.
  2. The outlet, which is the part of the page that changes based on which route the user navigated to.

We can model the two parts as two navigation and outlet containers. When the user first navigates to a route, the server responds with HTML, that contains containers for both the navigation and the outlet. Once the user navigates to the second route, there are three ways to solve the navigation:

  1. The simplistic approach is to make a full round trip and download an entirely new page. The main downside is that the application loses all of its states on the client.
  2. The classical approach is to treat any further navigation in JavaScript. We replace the current outlet component with the new outlet component and let the new component render. The disadvantage is that we need to download and execute the JavaScript.
  3. The Qwik approach treats the navigation and the outlet as two different containers. The first navigation downloads HTML representing the full page (with both containers). The subsequent navigation fetches the HTML only for the outlet container. This approach is the best of both worlds. The navigation is fast (no JavaScript download or execution), and the application keeps its state in the parent container.

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